
How to measure the conductivity of conductive paint? Conductive paint does not conduct electricity. What is the reason for the high resistance of conductive paint?_Company news_News_Nan xiang shielding coating
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How to measure the conductivity of conductive paint? Conductive paint does not conduct electricity. What is the reason for the high resistance of conductive paint?

TIME:2019-11-22View :906

Some customers use conductive paint when spraying good measurement of non-conductive or resistance value is very large, what is the reason?


The measurement of the conductive paint sprayed on the shell can be done with a general digital multimeter. The conductivity of the sprayed product can be measured only after it is completely dry. Set the multimeter to the 200 Ω position (note that here is the resistance value below 200 Ω). First, put the two positive and negative level probes together tightly and look at the resistance value between the probes after the number is stable. Then test the resistance between two points. The conductivity between two points of the product can be obtained by subtracting the value of the probe from the measured value.


First of all, we use exclusion method to analyze whether it is conductive paint itself. If all the products sprayed are non-conductive or the resistance value fails to meet the requirements, it is likely to be the problem of conductive paint after eliminating the problems of spraying tools and operation!



The problems of spraying tools and operation are mentioned above. Here, the spray gun and spraying method used for spraying the lower conductive paint are introduced.


The spray gun for spraying conductive paint must use a side pot with a can or a gravity spray gun with a can. The spray method of bucket inserting oil suction pipe is not suitable for spraying conductive paint! Generally, the suction oil pipe is 1-2m long, and there are a lot of conductive metal particles in the conductive paint, which will precipitate and adsorb on the oil pipe wall in the process of slow flow. The conductivity of the conductive paint without metal powder can not be guaranteed when spraying on the product.

To have good conductivity, the conductive paint needs to have a relatively uniform and thick coating to conduct electricity. When spraying, it is very important to adjust the air pressure, oil volume and control the distance! The air pressure should be as small as possible, but a certain amount of atomization is needed; the oil volume should be a little larger; the spraying distance should be 15-20cm. After the above three points are prepared, the conductive paint film sprayed on the product shall be full and moist. It takes two or four times to walk the gun. Generally, there will be more stiffeners and screw columns on the inner surface of the product. Such products need to be sprayed four times, that is, once in each direction.

According to the above methods, most of the conductive paint can meet the requirements. Of course, there are ultra-high requirements of conductive paint products can also be done, our company will be professional deployment of appropriate conductive paint for customers.
